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Writer's pictureJennifer Dunaway

Be a Soccer Super Hero!

So, you think you're ready for the soccer season? You've packed your player's bag. You've synced your calendars and booked your hotel rooms. You have carpool planned for the next 5 months and you can't possibly think of another thing that could make this season go any smoother.

But what if I told you, I can help you become a Soccer Superhero? Well I can, and it is as simple as packing your car for a soccer Armageddon. Well, maybe not that extreme but if you keep these items on hand you will certainly save the day a few times before the end of the season. We all know the basics: Bag Chair, Blanket, Umbrella. But this simple list will take you to the next level.

Buy a flexible laundry basket (don't get a hard plastic one, I promise you it will break).

Extra cleats: You know that pair of cleats your player just grew out of? Tie the shoe laces together and throw them in the laundry basket. Who knows when a teammate will blow out a pair of shoes or forget them 3 hours away at home with an 8am kick-off.

Extra shin guards: Take those mismatched shin guards and throw them all in the basket. There will certainly be a time when someone (maybe even your player) shows up without shin guards and you will be the superhero.

Change of clothes: This is a tough one, because no one wants to have extra clothes just hanging out in the car, especially with how kids grow so quickly from one size to the next. My suggestion is to use those gallon size plast bags and put a full outfit in the bag (shirt, shorts, underwear and socks) label it with each of your kid's names and when you have an emergency. BAM! instant change of clothes.  This also works when your player is invited on an impromptu sleep-over.

Hats, gloves and Umbrellas: Throw some extra hats, gloves and and a small umbrella in the basket just in case of an emergency.

Snacks: This depends on what your family will eat but generally applesauce pouches, craisins, raisins and sunflower seeds are safe snacks that can last while in your car and don't make a mess if squished.  My kids don't have allergies so Kind's Nut & Berry bars are always a hit among them, just be aware when they are interacting with food allergy kids.

Bath/Beach Towel: Throw a beach towel in that laundry basket.  This will be your life saver more often than anything else. A beach towel can be used as a towel to dry off, seat protector when the mud is just too much, a changing curtain or a picnic blanket.  I recommend having at least 2 on hand.

Trash bags: Buy a box, and keep them in the car. Enough said.

Sunscreen: I don't care that it is 25 outside today, next week it could be 80 and the sun doesn't care what temperature it is. The need for sunscreen will sneak up on all of us and we will be little red Soccer lobsters before we knew what hit us.

BONUS if you want to be the most prepared soccer parent out there you can treat yourself to one of these beauties an Under the Weather Sports Pop-up Tent:

Affiliate Link: Cindy, over at Vegetarian Mama tried it out and she and her boys love it. She also has tips and tricks to share on game day snacks for players with food sensitivities. You should check it out. 

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