Results Spring 2022: GotSoccer Standings and State Cup Results

I have been working on a comparison of the OSA and US Club Soccer State Cup events and in that processes I pulled together a couple of tables comparing the top teams in each event to the top teams in GotSoccer at the time. Love it or hate it, now that Youth Soccer Rankings is not available GotSoccer is the prevailing ranking tool for club soccer teams starting at U11.
For complete transparency several of these clubs are OSMD Insiders (Sponsors) however this data is all imperical pulled from sites readily available to anyone willing to put the time in to look it up and load it into a spreadsheet. Great Lakes Alliance who runs The Ohio State Cup (US Club Soccer) are also OSMD Insiders.

All rankings from GotSoccer are from May. So that is before the post season events that happened in June and July so many of these rankings could have changed significantly.
I do plan on sharing the piece I am working on regarding the state cup events, I just don't want this data to get too olde before sharing it. I can't wait to hear all of your comments on this.